Home Spotter – Coming soon!
Check out this crazy cool new HomeSpotter Technology coming out! This article was featured in the Star Tribune on February 1 so we wanted to share it with you! The Northstar Multiple Listing Service, the group that manages most Twin Cities-area home listings, is updating its iPhone/iPad app for real estate agents and other MLS
12 Reliable Tips For Selling Your Home
Article By: Steve McLinden, To buy or sell in 2012, what with Armageddon coming and all? Absent any ancient Mayan wisdom on real estate strategies, let’s just hope the real cataclysmic event in the real estate market already has passed, even if the rubble from the bubble remains. A stubborn overstock of households with
Bob’s Bottom Line Mortgage Update – December 5, 2011
The U.S. unemployment rate fell to a thirty-six month low of 8.6% in November as companies stepped up hiring by adding 120,000 more workers to their payrolls. Sounds pretty good for the economy on its face – but a little sharper look at the details mutes the story just a bit. More than 300,000 people
6 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home
When you’re getting ready to sell your property, you want to be able to get the best price possible for your home. However, depending on how long you have lived at your current residence may require for you to invest some time and money into improvements. Many sellers may become wary of taking the necessary
4 Tools to Help You Clear Your Yard of Fall Debris
Just for fun, take an inventory of all the leaf removal tools cluttering your garage. If you’re like me, you’ve got a half-dozen rakes of different sizes and materials, a couple of blowers in various states of repair, and a couple of infomercial gadgets that promise to make annual leaf gathering faster and easier. In
Northeast Minneapolis Holds the Guinness World Record in….?
Here’s an interesting fact about Northeast Minneapolis that we just learned today: it holds the only block in the the world that is home to FOUR churches. One block. Why? Keep reading… To be precise, the block is the one bounded by 13th and 15th Avenues Northeast and Madison and Monroe Streets Northeast. “This block, avers the