I cannot wait to help you unlock doors to your future!
Hi, I’ve been working in the service industry for almost 10 years! Extremely knowledgeable in hospitality and how to treat customers as though they’re family. I also love to travel and my goal is to travel to all the continents before I turn 30! I got a few knocked down already. I love playing volleyball and being outdoors.. can’t wait to meet all of you and bring the gold star personality!
My first job was… Hosting at Bostons
When I’m not working, you’ll find me… Not in Minnesota 🙂 jk but probably outdoors or at a fun brewery with friends.
The best “unknown” restaurant I’ve been to is… Bostons is one of the best restaurants around and can’t tell me otherwise 🙂
My favorite food is… Pizza from Bostons
Favorite vacation spot… Right now it’s Scottsdale Arizona!